Impact of BREXIT on business communications

The RedTitan office in the UK views BREXIT (UK leaves the EU in March 2019) with the same concerns as much of British business: more paperwork, more administration and more costs – but it’s an ill wind …

Every document (printed or electronic) that cites an EU law (say) will need redrafting and guess who is very good at that. RedTitan software can make a few tweaks (or a major overhaul) without having to re-hire those offshore contractors

The scope of the change is still not clear (the politicians still don’t have a plan) but the rumours aren’t good. There was plenty of time to plan for fixing the millennium bug (and that was a very simple concept). This time the impact and the rules are a little more vague and the reaction of British business is everything from “it will be all right on the night” to sneaking a few HQ staff off to Amsterdam. As always, it is the nimble that will avoid the worst of the shock and those equipped with RedTitan document transform software will be able to react fast to new legislation.

For RedTitan in the UK the “brexit bonus” came early.

If you don’t have RedTitan software you don’t really own your business communications.


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